Citizen’s Guide To The AirwavesBy J.H. Snider July 2003 |
The Citizen’s Guide to the Airwaves, published by the New America Foundation and funded by the Ford Foundation, was J.H. Snider’s path breaking attempt to educate the public about the tremendous value, government mismanagement, and impending giveaway of the nation’s airwaves – the most valuable natural resource of the information economy. The Citizen’s Guide framed the spectrum debate in a language new to the policy world, using clear, graphic illustrations to depict the economic, social and political facets of spectrum policy. It was highly influential in broadening public interest in spectrum policy, especially in the media reform and foundation communities.
In producing the Citizen’s Guide, Snider received valuable content help from Benn Kobb (spectrum propagation characteristics, assignments, and allocations), Coleman Bazelon (spectrum valuations), and Michael Rothkopf (spectrum valuations). Graphic design was provided by Nigel Holmes. Downloadable PDF versions of the Explanation to the Citizen’s Guide to the Airwaves is available free of charge. The Explanation, a 52-page report, includes the images in the Citizen’s Guide along with annotated text. The print version is out of print. The Citizen’s Guide (viewable thumbnails below) includes a two-sided, 11” x 38” color poster insert. The poster’s front side is a visual “map” of the spectrum; the backside is a nine-panel overview of the U.S. spectrum policy debate. The print version is out of print. Unfortunately, the online PDF version had to be subdivided into many smaller pages. Click on the images below to open each document. ![]() Citizen’s Guide Poster Insert Front ![]() Citizen’s Guide Poster Insert Back |
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