Christopher Bopst is a constitutional and litigation partner at Goldberg Segalla LLP who is admitted to practice law in both New York and Florida. He is the co-author with Professor Peter Galie of the leading reference work on New York’s State Constitution, The New York Constitution: A Reference Guide (Oxford University Press, 2012) and is also the co-author with Professor Galie of “Constitutional ‘Stuff’: House Cleaning the New York Constitution;” “Changing State Constitutions: Dual Constitutionalism and the Amending Process,” and “The Constitutional Commission in New York.” As an authority on New York’s Constitution, he has spoken at major New York legal, academic, and advocacy institutions. He is a former editor of the Notre Dame Journal of Law and Ethics & Public Policy. With Professor Galie, he is editing a volume of essays, New York’s Potemkin Constitution (expected publication, Fall 2016).
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